Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Just a few random things I thought I'd bitch about...

Ok so I’m jumping on the bandwagon, I am now officially a Celtics fan. Seriously, last night the Celtics put the Laker’s asses on a silver platter with croissants and served it to them. Bon appetit.” Not only that, but the west coast is not doing so hot in sports period. The Celtics, the Red Sox, the Patriots, etc., the west coast needs to step their game up.

On another note, Hulk Hogan’s son, Nick is a little whiny bitch. This fool has the nerve to drink and drive, turning his friend, (not some random person in the street), but his friend into a vegetable and complain about it. His friend is breathing through a machine and he has the nerve to bitch about how hard jail is. Whaaaaa, whaaaa, whaaaaaaaaa. Man, bend over, pick up your soap and take it like a man.

Oh and this is not funny. AT ALL…

I'm out of town again bitches. I'm sneaking computer time right now, literally in a dark corner, hiding. Be back soon...


CapCity said...

i call it the Presidential palace anyway, as it SHOULD be since we're "in a color blind society"! Ha Ha Haaa!

MrSweetwyne said...
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G-Sweet said...

good 1 CAP...

in the words of MC BREED... "leave it up to me, i paint the white house black"

She W0rd Hustlez said...

Yeah, I don't find that funny either.

Muze said...

wow i didn't know that about hulk hogan's son. that's sad.

and yes, these little jabs at obama are starting to piss me off. they better hope we DON'T come up there with our cans of black paint. lol.

and kobe is my forever baby daddy. leave him alone! do i have to go all around the blogosphere checking people about my man? geesh! lol.

hope you're having a grand ol time chica. lol.

Colleen said...

Why are you always leaving us? I'm starting to get abandonment issues. And come on I hear we have a great roller derby team you just aren't watching the right sports.

Hadassah said...

Hogan's son is paying for his foolishness so he should stop complaining.

My boyfriend supports Lakers but Celtics had more passion (sori boo!)

i.can't.complain. said...

happy out of town time

miss u, girlie.

that button made me made too.

lol @ the lakers.

they've had their shine

go celts


Stew said...


did you hear all of the stuff that Hogan and his son talked about? their convo was ALL kinds of fucked up.

have fun while out of town

Stew said...


did you hear all of the stuff that Hogan and his son talked about? their convo was ALL kinds of fucked up.

have fun while out of town

12kyle said...

The Celtics are a better team. It felt good to see them kick the crap outta the Lakers. LOL

The Flyyest said...

BOSTON BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!




Eb the Celeb said...

Hell No we wont call it the white house no more... biiiiiaaattccchhesss!

Where the heck you at now Ms. P?

Afrodite said...

I'm not a big fan of basketball so I wasn't really into it. Football all day! Yeah, I heard about that Hogan bullshit. I hope the family of the friend sues the hell out of them!

Monie said...

Nick Hogan is a hoe.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

HAHAH...the obama pic is great.

kit von b. said...

omg i seriously had no idea about that hogan kid.

and omfg that pin is a hot ass mess. they got jokes already?

damn son.