Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Don't freak out, change can be good...

I noticed that people haven’t really been blogging much lately.

I thought it was just me, and I felt bad for slacking on posting and commenting. However, slowly some of my favorite bloggers are disappearing, posting less and less.

I started this blog, because I was going through a really hard time. (* tear *) A small piece of that time in my life had to do with me having no direction. A part of me didn’t care, which I found out, is normal. (So is going to the movies by yourself and thinking you’re a ninja, cuz’ I am). I liked my wild ways, and me, but another part of me understood that I needed to get my shit together. Yes, I said shit.

Blogging became therapeutic and I fell in love with writing all over again. Writing and I soon came to enjoy romantic dinners and long walks on the beach, as we gazed adoringly into each others creativity. We connected. We vibed. More importantly, writing took my mind off of my crazy life. I was able to get my racing thoughts into cyberspace and out of my head.

In the beginning I would just tell stories of the crazy things that happened to me during the day, in relation to men, booze, my job, etc. Eventually those stories turned into an addiction. Never in my life had I been able to write and say what I wanted to say, with such positive and witty feedback.

So I guess what I am trying to say is that I am still here. I’m still Ms Fresh Banana Puddin’, but as things in my life are evolving expect to see some changes in my writing.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for being my blogging family. Thanks for being you. ;p



Anonymous said...

You rock Ms Pud. I have no idea how I found you but I am glad I did.

Never go away. Never.


Ms Smack said...

I found you via Steph, from Much Ado about Sumthin and I can see why she's linked you.

This is a fantastic post. I love the way you've written blogging like a love/hate affair. So true!

Sometimes I love it, cry with it, run away from it - this is a fantastic post.

John Barleycorn said...

I hope this doesn't mean you'll be blogging less. I couldn't care less what you actually blog about - it's your writing voice I come here for. And the nachos.

She W0rd Hustlez said...

Thank goodness! I thought you might disappear too girl. I haven't been blogging on here for long, but have truly enjoyed reading all of your blogs. They are very entertaining and it helps me see that even the fucked up things I go through are alright. I laugh about it and move on. You're right change is good though. Whatever those changes may be, I can't wait to read about them.

B said...

Blogland really HAS been dying

I'm glad you're still around, tho. For real.

kit von b. said...

i noticed too...if you leave the blog world i;ll hunt u down and kill u...



CHA CHA said...

Alright now...you may not see me comment as much anymore but Im definitely in the background reading...by the way CONGRATS on graduating you are the SHYT!!!!

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

Skinny girl- I’m glad you found me too! * hug *

Ms smack- yeah steph is a blogger that will go down in the blogging hall of fame…I’m glad you are enjoying yourself.

John- oooo there’s nachos? This is blasphemy! How come I didn’t know about this? Well thanks for your support. ;p

She word- no I don’t want to disappear altogether. One of my favorites did that a few months ago and I was devastated. Yup. I believe everyone goes through the same shit, just some people have a better sense of humor than others…

d- right? We are the last of the Mohicans. (I hate saying that, in reference to the Natives and all), but we are! I’m glad you’re still around too. I’ve been busy celebrating my success, but I finally linked to your new spot!

Karrie b- oh. Are you a ninja too?

Poca- miss lady, you have been MIA too. Lady C had to explain to me what was going on w your blog lol I missed that post.

Colleen said...

Change is good. Just don't leave. I like reading about how often you lose your panties because you are the only person I know if with that predilection.

anonymousnupe said...

Ah, but after the long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, all that foreplay, can Writing fanger you like you deserve to be fangered? Huh?

Kim & Dic said...


LaLa simply ME said...

You know something Ms. P....You are a great free spirited individual....and your writing is powerful. You introduced me just as a reader on this thing here...Thank you for that introduction, thank you for staying true to you, and thank you for reminding me that it is okay to "jus be me".

Anonymous said...

It's cool to take time off. So have I.

One Man’s Opinion said...

Blogging is fun, sometimes we just don't have the time to devote to it. I can understand that. Plus, change is good. Write what makes you happhy and we will feel that. It's your blog so you do you. 'nuff said.

One Man’s Opinion said...

Hey! How come Barleycorn gets nachos!

Chris the Minimalist said...

it's hard for me to blog lol but i love reading yours. thanks for allowing me to read about your crazy cool adventures! :P

magnoliapeach said...

Glad to see you are still here!!

Where else would I get tales of drunken debauchery, lost panties, and see fabulous party pictures?!!!

CapCity said...

Yea, Sistah Puddin' I guess everything has it's cycle. I'm still here, too & will check in on ya from time to time;-). Wow - u sound so mature now that u've graduated. ;-) LOL! for real - do ya thang & enjoy your life, Sis!

Stew said...

im sure your new style will be just as good as the old. nothing will ever stay the same. so you gotta change it up, and give the people something fresh

FlyyGurl said...

Oh lordy mz puddin! This is soundin all nostalgic and shit, like a goodbye post! Say it aint so! Don't go just yet! I just got my wings and have started to take flight! Where will I get my inspiration from without courageous people like you who've confessed things like wakin up without ur underwear? Lmao!

i.can't.complain. said...

i think it's the warm weather thats dragging us away from our blogs.

i dunno.

but thanks for being u and letting us watch.

who else can make losing a roll of quarters in a public restroom, upside down male strippers, and solo-movie ninja time sound fabulous?

ms. P, of course ;-)


Cunning_Linguist said...

It's a dance, really. Some people really jump in and mix it up only to burn out on the floor quickly. Other waltz in and skip around for a while. Some like watching on the side wishing they could move so fluidly and others could care less who's watching as they gyrate and do thier own thing.

Keep your head up and dance for as long as you feel the mood to strike. It can only lead to a good time, puddin'. *wink*

Afrodite said...

I've noticed that the bloggers have been falling off too. I blame the weather! Puddin' you know people get ghost in summertime.

Blank said...

I think you're a wonderful blogger. I really enjoying lurking (sounds weird I know) and commenting your posts. I even added you t my blog roll. Keep it up!

Tyhitia Green said...

I'm glad you're blogging. I can get a good little giggle on at work. :*) I haven't seen you comment on my blog in a while. Feel free to stop by. ;*)

So@24 said...

Damn, Ms P.


Anonymous said...

I thought you were trying to say that you was gone leave me! Although I don't post a comment often I am here reading and I am addicted to your stories, so don't go just yet, you had me spooked!
I feel you bout finding yourself, Im 28 and I am still looking, but I swear if I don't figure it out by 30 Im gone have to just join that religious sect in Utah, at least there I can just blend in and...oops Im black, can't just blend in :( Now what?! Damn Gina!

12kyle said...

"I noticed that people haven’t really been blogging much lately.

Who? Not me. The 12th Planet is here everyday like bad traffic.

Everyday like the school bully...

Everyday like a stray cat...

Yeah. Everyday...hangin out like wet clothes. LOL

And as long as the Planet is here...I'ma keep coming thru.

Slaus of O Hell Nawl said...

Oh see, why ya trying to callll me out!!! I blog everyday!!

just not on my owh dman blog... I should rectify that.

KIKI said...

Damnit P!

I luv you man...

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

c.watson- you know, I thought about that and then I got drunk. So much for change. No seriously, I got a month to go crazy and then I need to sober up and get my shit together…it could happen you know. Don’t judge me.

nupe- good point. Writing and I are going to need to have a long talk…

nyc chick- thanks, that means a lot.

lady c- (note the response) lol I’m glad you are enjoying my work and embracing yours. Just wait until you get your camera together and can start posting more of your artwork…

saddity chic- yeah well, you re planning a wedding!

one man- it is fun! And time consuming. I wasn’t aware there were nachos either. I thought I only gave out booze…

christina- what makes it hard? Work it out! Express yourself…

peach- glad I’m the go-to for all that * sigh * a work in progress for sure…

capcity- trying to do the grown up thing. It’s hard. Boo. Glad you are still around, I’ll come stop by when I get a minute…

stew- right. I can dig it.

flyyg- I know slit my wrists right. Naw I’m still me, just trying to switch it up. I will always be here, MIA undies and all…

-1- our weather over here has been horrible, but w out school I spend less time by the computer, NOT doing my work. Lol I’m still here.

cunning l- you know, that was a lovely analogy. Lol * winks back *

afrodite- right…

youngbb- aw well thank you mamas. I will have to come stop by…

demon hunter- you know what happened? You hadn’t posted in a while I kept checking then finally gave up, but I will stop by now that I know you’ve updated…thanks for stopping by…

so@24- lol

ms j- ah, so you re one of my stalkers! Lol just kidding. Wow. Well good luck with everything. I’m starting to think we should just enjoy it, right? I mean spending so much time trying to get it right its going to pass you by. Don’t give up though, I’m sure you will find what you are looking for.

12k- lol I guess I will have to swing by then…

slaus- yeah you are pretty much fired from your blog.

Kiki- aw moment.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Indeed, I think that my writing changes depending on the city, the state, the mental state, my surroundings....EVERYTHING, as well as the frequency of my writing. Sometimes I'm writing everyday, other days I dont feel like I have anything that I need to release, of get snarky about, or WHATEVER. Some days I feel its better for me to keep my thoughts in and let them develop before theyre out floating around prematurely, I need them to marinate for depth....anyway, I'm still here, still reading- not commenting nearly as much on anyones blogs and not writing as much....but thats just for now....