Friday, August 22, 2008

Stop and ask for a GPS system...

*disclaimer*- this blog post has nothing to do with the show LOST. Sorry.

I recently gave my parents two options: they can either buy me a new car with a GPS system in it or they can buy me a Blackberry GPS. It’s a win, win situation. Just because they cut me off doesn’t mean they can’t but me gifts, right?

And trust me, it’s an emergency. I have so many old folded up mapquest papers in the side of my car door, my friends keep asking me if I run a secret escort service. That’s a good idea, but negative. I just have a really bad sense of direction.

And when it comes to stopping and asking for directions, I’m like a guy. For some reason I’d rather drive around in circles for hours, than stop to ask for directions. Unless, of course, I have to pee and then I miraculously turn back into a girl.

Actually, I’m kind of used to driving around in circles. I get to know the area better to prevent it in the future. So until I get a GPS system in some shape or form and you are riding with me, be prepared to take the scenic route.


B said...

i want the Blackberry Bold so so SO BADLY!

It comes w/GPS

Stew said...

never found blackberrys very user friendly. i do not understand why people like them so much.

my only guess is that people think its a show of status. but if you dont know how to use the damn thing it is pointless.

not speaking to you specifically, just in general

Narm said...

Guys are willing to drive in circles so much because we are used to having conversations with women - same theory.


Ms. Go Getter said...

My parents opted to get me the GPS except we came to realize that the little cigarette lighter fuse where you charge it at is permanently blown in my piece of shit even though I want my Blackberry, I want a new ride even more lol.

love the spot, figured now was the time to come out of the dark shadows :)

Cunning_Linguist said...

I want to see the website traffic for the week. How many people come here looking for LOST story lines and discussions,lol.

Colleen said...

My friends got mad at me always randomly calling them asking if they were near a computer and if they could figure out where I was, so eventually the ex got me a gps. I now rely on it so much that if it was ever taken away I couldn't get around the block. That thing is like crack, I put in every address that I'm going to, even ones I've been driving to for the last 10 years.

Hex said...

That's actually a great idea, an escort service that can't find it's clients.

Then when the cop shines that flashlight in, you can be all like "No I didn't hire a call girl, I'm just helping her find 14th street!"

Slaus of O Hell Nawl said...

The GPS feature is yet another reason why I want to have sex with my iphone.

because i have a terrrrrible sense od fuggin direction.

and I aint askin for help

Prunella Jones said...

I am too poor for either so I just use mapquest. It's never steered me wrong.

Dangerous Lilly said...

I need one too, desperately. Instead of turning around in someone's driveway, I'll keep going. If there's someone on my ass, I won't slow down and hunt for a side street. I've been known to go 5 miles down the wrong road, lol.

I suck with directions. And even if I stop and ask....that doesn't help! I get 2-3 different accounts of how and where, and then I forget half of it!

OR, mapquest says that it's a left/right, when it's really nothing of the sort, and it gets all sorts of confusing because it's almost -too- detailed.


Anonymous said...

I'm EXATLY like you

So Mail Google maps and Mapquest papers on the side

The Flyyest said...

LMAO @ your disclaimer

WELL IM SO GLAD I AM THE TRUTH WITH DIRECTIONS!!! i feel like if i have to ask someone for directions..i failed....LOL

Muze said...

yeah those gps things are cool.

hope your parents dole out the cash and get you one.



Anonymous said...

LOL! I has it on my Blackberry Pearl! I don't use it alot though, but the ppl who do have one can't get enough of it LOL!

and mapquest is known for giving out not the most accurate directions....i haven't used yahoo maps in a while (driving directions)

(vixenchick) said...

I say go for the blackberry.

Anonymous said...

I'm bad about asking for directions... usually if i keep driving I'll find my way...eventually.

kit von b. said...

my parents would laugh @ me if i gave them an ultimatum like that...


Sabina said...

Tell them GPS will help you save gas, and thus the planet. Right?

anonymousnupe said...

My step-dad passed last Thanksgiving, and, God rest his soul, the best things he left my momma were all pre-paid funeral arrangements and a GPS. I set it up for her last Sunday, and she's floatin', I tell ya'. And by the way, saying "GPS System" is like saying "ATM machine." It's redundant. The "S" stands for "System," like the "M" stands for "Machine." LOL. You know how I am, P.

Erin said...

I just got a GPS and it is glorious!