I don’t know about you guys, but I sure am going to sleep better tonight knowing that Clay Aiken is out. I still don’t get the whole having a kid thing, but at least it explains why the sound of his music makes me want to go and buy shoes.
I like the gays.
Despite what some of you may think, I’m not gay. I prefer the churro to the taco. Although, I haven’t got laid since the Raiders made it to the Super Bowl, I am still a big fan of the shaboinka.
Gay marriage doesn’t bug me either. The idea of GOGA is kind of hot. Shit, Katy Perry kissed a girl, she liked it and she has a man.
Yes it grosses me out imagining a grown ass man with a dick in his booty looking back at his lover saying, “Gimme more, gimme.” However, gay sex can’t be any more disgusting than old people sex. Right?
So I don’t see why two people can’t be together just because their genitals are the same. Since the divorce rate is so high might as well give it a try.
"Yes it grosses me out imagining a grown ass man with a dick in his booty looking back at his lover saying, “Gimme more, gimme.”"
I agree. Love is love. Let them be. geeeezzzz....
fine, let's make a pact. If I ever sit on a strange toilet seat and catch the ghey for a day.... I'll never tell you about it. If you cave in to batting for the same team, you let me watch.
I SWEAR I will sit in the corner and not want to join in *keeps fingers crossed behind his back*
you're histerical
Wait does this mean that you're trying out the gay for a bit? I mean more power to you, and all. More boys for the rest of us.
Wait a second.
Clay Aiken is gay???
Man, I guess you can never predict these things.
ure looking at the midwest coordinator of fag-hags united
i love a good gay
in fact the way my love life's been going
i may end up a good gay
booty in dk is nasty lol
I'm still trying to understand why it was knew that Clay Aiken is GAY...really?
"but at least it explains why the sound of his music makes me want to go and buy shoes. "
I will def be back ...
*dry heaving*... a bit graphic 2day are we!
Maaan gay dudes are a ok with me. Anyone who likes their jibby gobbled on is a great American.
Long as my nuts aren't being the ones gayilly juggled, I'm cool.
I think Ellen and Portia are so cute. Love is love and if you're happy and getting laid right then it's all good.
Am I the only one who thinks this might be a bad move for the Gaykin?
Everyone knew he was gay, but there was a certain tacky, gaudy appeal to the fact that he acted like a complete fruit but totally denied it.
Now you've got to worry that since he no longer has to pretend he's not he'll go totally Rip Taylor or something, and the people in the world who aren't already will be sick of him within a month.
i just told my friend the other day that i might have been a gay man in my past life, because now, i'm a tranny trapped inside a girls body. ughh.
u like the gays
like the cowboys
or the raiders lol
have a gr8 weekend folk
Ha! Let me find out it took Clay Aikens I've been gayer than gay since birth ass to finally get people to accept same sex relationships. It's funny, because now more and more straight people are accepting we gays and I'm sick of gay people. I hate Katy Perry, loll. Being gay was already a fad before she came out with that wack ass song and now people are just loosing their minds. All the dick flavored pussies are getting that "24 hour lesbian itch". Ugh. I don't even tell people I'm gay anymore, because now EVERYBODY can "identify" with struggle. Gay sex is superb, but sadly now; its just highly overrated.
Clay Aiken was so freakin obvious!
I am completely liberal when it comes to Homosexuality. my best friend is gay I love his ass to death!
i really think something is wrong with you.
biggest faghag in town here... Lover of gay porn who does not ever want to touch or kiss a girl but teared up like a bitch at Ellen big gay wedding says:
what the fuck is it to us, there is not a "straight people' bounty on our heads, they don't want to marry US, the far right wants to get huffy they could start by outlawing divorce, forcing all married couples to produce kids within a year of marriage and punishing cheating with either death or public bashing... fact is straights have been fucking up "the sanctity of marriage" for quite a big long while
he's gay??
I never would have guessed that!!
Clay Aiken's music always makes me want to have anal sex. Noooooow it all makes sense.
lmao... a funny post...
1st time blogger
Akins is gay? wow i did not know that. I mean i think I knew that but i didn't know that. n e how, he's still da bomb. and i guess it is jus like old people sex lol
i dont get why some straight folk are so scared of what gay folk are doin
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